2013年7月11日 星期四

以AMOS 做mediator

Aron Lindberg的網站 http://youtu.be/IkBeR2Z4bPA
裡面說到如何以AMOS所謂的 full mediation and partial mediation.

最經典討論mediator and moderator文章為

Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. 1996. The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Cponceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality adn Social Psychology, 51(6): 1173-1182.

Shrout, P. E. and Bolger, N. 2002. Mediation in experimental and nonexperimental studies: New procedures and recommendations. Psychological Methods, 7(4): 422-445.

